Have you seen our Cotton Canvas Tote bags? They are a great gift bag for these products!
The world we live in today is chaotic, crazy and seems to get more hectic every day!
Technology, social media…. our devices can make life overwhelming. Going back to basics through simplifying our life is one of the ways we can empower ourselves and not get caught up in the rat race. Easier said than done. A big challenge for me!
I am Georgia and it was my 11-year-old daughter Shobha-Rose that inspired me to start Back to Basics.
As a parent help on a school trip to tidy up a beach in Auckland, we were all surprised at the amount of plastic garbage that we found on our beautiful beach. Every walk on a beach would end up with us picking up plastic garbage. Our family became Eco Warriors and we decided to do something! So I started on my new venture to replacing, “the convenient but destructive plastic bag”